2 Results for How do I improve the stability and reliability of the manufacturing processes?:
Document No.
ISO 11462-1:2001
Guidelines for implementation of statistical process control (SPC) -- Part 1: Elements of SPC
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me access field and plant data quickly for decision making.

ISO 11462 provides guidelines for the implementation of a statistical process control (SPC) system. These guidelines are aimed primarily at increasing production efficiency and inherent capability, and reducing interval and cost.

Document No.
ISO 11462-2:2010
Guidelines for implementation of statistical process control (SPC) -- Part 2: Catalogue of tools and techniques
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me access field and plant data quickly for decision making.

ISO 11462-2:2010 provides a catalogue of tools and techniques to help an organization in planning, implementation and evaluation of an effective statistical process control (SPC) system. This catalogue gives tools and techniques that are essential for the successful realization of the SPC elements.

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