3 Results for How do I manage the consistency of engineering and integrate customer feedback over the whole life cycle of the product?:
Document No.
ISO 16355-1:2015
Application of statistical and related methods to new technology and product development process -- Part 1: General principles and perspectives of Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me better manage my whole product life cycle process to ensure better quality and process stability.

ISO 16355-1:2015 describes the quality function deployment (QFD) process, its purpose, users, and tools. It is not a management system standard. It does not provide requirements or guidelines for organizations to develop and systematically manage their policies, processes, and procedures in order to achieve specific objectives.

Document No.
ISO 16355-5:2017
Applications of statistical and related methods to new technology and product development process -- Part 5: Solution strategy
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me better manage my whole product life cycle process to ensure better quality and process stability.

ISO 16355-5:2017 describes the process of developing a solution strategy for new products. Since organizations can address their new product development process by a customer-driven or a technology-driven set of solutions, this document explains both alternatives. It provides recommendations on the use of the applicable tools and methods, offering guidance on translating the voice of the customer (VOC) and voice of the stakeholder (VOS) into product, service, information, and process attributes, transferring the priorities of the customer and stakeholder needs into priorities for these attributes, and then developing technology, cost, and reliability plans for attributes.

Document No.
ISO /TR 16355-8:2017
Applications of statistical and related methods to new technology and product development process -- Part 8: Guidelines for commercialization and life cycle
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me better manage my whole product life cycle process to ensure better quality and process stability.

ISO/TR 16355-8:2017 describes after optimization of product design to address non-functional requirements, for example, test, produce, commercialize, deliver, support, and eventually retire a product from the market and provides guidance on the use of the applicable tools and methods. 

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