12 Results for How do I implement factory automation safely?:
Document No.
IEC 61508-7:2010
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 7: Overview of techniques and measures (see Functional Safety and IEC 61508)
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me put in place new automation technologies in a safe way.

IEC 61508-7:2010 contains an overview of various safety techniques and measures relevant to IEC 61508-2 and IEC 61508-3.The references should be considered as basic references to methods and tools or as examples, and may not represent the state of the art. 

Document No.
IEC 61511-1:2016
Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector - Part 1: Framework, definitions, system, hardware and application programming requirements
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me put in place new automation technologies in a safe way.

IEC 61511-1:2016 gives requirements for the specification, design, installation, operation and maintenance of a safety instrumented system (SIS), so that it can be confidently entrusted to achieve or maintain a safe state of the process.

Document No.
IEC TR 62837:2013
Energy efficiency through automation systems
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me put in place new automation technologies in a safe way.

IEC/TR 62837:2013(E) provides to the technical committees a framework for the development and adaptation of documents in order to improve energy efficiency in manufacturing, process control and industrial facility management.

Document No.
SS ISO 10218-1:2016
Robots and robotic devices -- Safety requirements for industrial robots -- Part 1: Robots
Why is this useful?
These standards will help me put in place new technologies (e.g. collaborative robots, AGV and 3D printing) in a safe way.

SS ISO 10218-1:2018 specifies requirements and guidelines for the inherent safe design, protective measures and information for use of industrial robots. It describes basic hazards associated with robots and provides requirements to eliminate, or adequately reduce, the risks associated with these hazards.

Document No.
SS ISO 10218-2:2016
Robots and robotic devices – Safety requirements for industrial robots – Part 2 : Robot systems and integration
Why is this useful?
These standards will help me put in place new technologies (e.g. collaborative robots, AGV and 3D printing) in a safe way.

SS ISO 10218-2:2018 specifies safety requirements for the integration of industrial robots and industrial robot systems as defined in ISO 10218-1, and industrial robot cell(s). The integration includes the following:
the design, manufacturing, installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the industrial robot system or cell;
necessary information for the design, manufacturing, installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the industrial robot system or cell;
component devices of the industrial robot system or cell.

Document No.
ISO 13849-1:2015
Safety of machinery -- Safety-related parts of control systems -- Part 1: General principles for design
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me put in place new automation technologies in a safe way.

ISO 13849-1:2015 provides safety requirements and guidance on the principles for the design and integration of safety-related parts of control systems (SRP/CS), including the design of software. For these parts of SRP/CS, it specifies characteristics that include the performance level required for carrying out safety functions. It applies to SRP/CS for high demand and continuous mode, regardless of the type of technology and energy used (electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical, etc.), for all kinds of machinery.

Document No.
TR ISO TS 15066:2016
Robots and robotic devices -- Collaborative robots
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me put in place new automation technologies in a safe way.

ISO/TS 15066:2016 specifies safety requirements for collaborative industrial robot systems and the work environment, and supplements the requirements and guidance on collaborative industrial robot operation given in ISO 10218‑1 and ISO 10218‑2.

Document No.
IEC 61508-1:2010
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 1: General requirements (see Functional Safety and IEC 61508)
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me put in place new automation technologies in a safe way.

IEC 61508-1:2010 covers those aspects to be considered when electrical/electronic/programmable electronic (E/E/PE) systems are used to carry out safety functions. 

Document No.
IEC 61508-2:2010
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 2: Requirements for electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems (see Functional Safety and IEC 61508).
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me put in place new automation technologies in a safe way.

IEC 61508-2:2010 applies to any safety-related system, as defined by IEC 61508-1, that contains at least:
- one electrical, electronic or programmable electronic element;
- applies to all elements within an E/E/PE safety-related system;
- specifies how to refine the E/E/PE system safety requirements specification, developed in accordance with IEC 61508-1, into the E/E/PE system design requirements specification;
- specifies the requirements for activities that are to be applied during the design and manufacture of the E/E/PE safety-related systems except software, which is dealt with in IEC 61508-3.

Document No.
IEC 61508-3:2010
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 3: Software requirements (see Functional Safety and IEC 61508)
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me put in place new automation technologies in a safe way.

IEC 61508-3:2010 applies to any software forming part of a safety-related system or used to develop a safety-related system within the scope of IEC 61508-1 and IEC 61508-2; provides specific requirements applicable to support tools used to develop and configure a safety-related system within the scope of IEC 61508-1 and IEC 61508-2; requires that the software safety functions and software systematic capability are specified; establishes requirements for safety lifecycle phases and activities which shall be applied during the design and development of the safety-related software.

Document No.
IEC 61508-5:2010
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 5: Examples of methods for the determination of safety integrity levels (see Functional Safety and IEC 61508)
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me put in place new automation technologies in a safe way.

IEC 61508-5:2010 provides information on the underlying concepts of risk and the relationship of risk to safety integrity.

Document No.
IEC 61508-6:2010
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems - Part 6: Guidelines on the application of IEC 61508-2 and IEC 61508-3 (see Functional Safety and IEC 61508)
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me put in place new automation technologies in a safe way.

IEC 61508-6:2010 contains information and guidelines on IEC 61508-2 and IEC 61508-3.

1 Standard selected
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