4 Results for How do I connect my new or legacy machines with each other?:
Document No.
ISO 14476-4:2010
Information technology -- Enhanced communications transport protocol: Specification of QoS management for duplex multicast transport
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me connect my machines from different vendors.

ISO/IEC 14476-4:2010 provides a specification of QoS management for accomplishing desirable QoS for a duplex multicast transport connection. For this purpose, it describes the QoS management operations in duplex multicast transport connection such as QoS negotiation, QoS monitoring and QoS maintenance. 

Document No.
IEC 61158-6-24:2014
Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 6-24: Application layer protocol specification - Type 24 elements
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me connect my machines from different vendors.

IEC 61158-6-24:2014 defines the protocol provided to define the wire-representation of the service primitives defined in IEC 61158-5-24, and define the externally visible behaviour associated with their transfer. This standard specifies the protocol of the Type 24 fieldbus Application Layer, in conformance with the OSI Basic Reference Model (ISO/IEC 7498-1) and the OSI application layer structure (ISO/IEC 9545).

Document No.
IEC TR 62541-1:2016
OPC unified architecture - Part 1: Overview and concepts
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me connect my machines from different vendors.

IEC TR 62541-1:2016(E) is a Technical Report and presents the concepts and overview of the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA). Reading this document is helpful to understand the remaining parts of this multi-part document set. 

Document No.
IEC 62541-5:2015
OPC Unified Architecture - Part 5: Information Model
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me connect my machines from different vendors.

IEC 62541-5.2015 defines the Information Model of the OPC Unified Architecture. The Information Model describes standardised Nodes of a Server's AddressSpace. These Nodes are standardised types as well as standardised instances used for diagnostics or as entry points to server-specific Nodes. 

1 Standard selected
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