8 Results for How do I deploy sensor networks?:
Document No.
TR 38 : 2014
Technical Reference for sensor network for smart nation (public areas)
Why is this useful?
These standards will guide me to enable connectivity between sensor networks.

TR 38 : 2014 provides guidance on the communication and application interface standards for the development and deployment of sensor network(s) for public areas in Singapore.

Document No.
TR 47 : 2016
Technical Reference for IoT reference architecture for Smart Nation
Why is this useful?
These standards will guide me to enable connectivity between sensor networks.

Aims to specify a technology-independent reference architecture in support of the development of specific architectures for applications or systems for IoT or sensor networks which are interoperable with each other through a set of well-defined interfaces to achieve seamless data exchange and information use.

Document No.
TR 50 : 2016
Technical Reference for IoT information and services interoperability for Smart Nation
Why is this useful?
These standards will guide me to enable connectivity between sensor networks.

Recommends a minimum set of coherent international or industry standards for interface interoperability of information and services that supports a variety of applications across multiple industries and are suitable for deployment on a nation-wide scale.

Document No.
ISO/IEC 20005:2013
Information technology -- Sensor networks -- Services and interfaces supporting collaborative information processing in intelligent sensor networks
Why is this useful?
This standard will guide me to enable connectivity between sensor networks.

ISO/IEC 20005:2013 specifies services and interfaces supporting collaborative information
processing (CIP) in intelligent sensor networks which includes:
— CIP functionalities and CIP functional model
— Common services supporting CIP
— Common service interfaces to CIP

Document No.
ISO/IEC 29182-1:2013
Information technology -- Sensor networks: Sensor Network Reference Architecture (SNRA) -- Part 1: General overview and requirements
Why is this useful?
This standard will guide me to enable connectivity between sensor networks.

ISO/IEC 29182-1:2013 provides a general overview of the characteristics of a sensor network and the organization of the entities that comprise such a network. It also describes the general requirements that are identified for sensor networks.

Document No.
ISO/IEC 29182-7:2015
Information technology -- Sensor networks: Sensor Network Reference Architecture (SNRA) -- Part 7: Interoperability guidelines
Why is this useful?
This standard will guide me to enable connectivity between sensor networks.

ISO/IEC 29182-7:2015 provides a general overview and guidelines for achieving interoperability between sensor network services and related entities in a heterogeneous sensor network.

Document No.
IEC 62601:2015
Industrial networks - Wireless communication network and communication profiles - WIA-PA
Why is this useful?
This standard will guide me to enable connectivity between sensor networks.

IEC 62061:2015 specifies the system architecture and the communication protocol of Wireless networks for Industrial Automation - Process Automation (WIA-PA) that is built on IEEE STD 802.15.4-2011.

Document No.
IEC 62734:2014
Industrial networks - Wireless communication network and communication profiles - ISA 100.11a
Why is this useful?
This standard will guide me to enable connectivity between sensor networks.

IEC 62734:2014 provides specifications in accordance with the OSI Basic Reference Model, ISO/IEC 7498-1, (e.g., PhL, DL, etc.). It is intended to provide reliable and secure wireless operation for non-critical monitoring, alerting, supervisory control, open loop control, and closed loop control applications. It defines a protocol suite, including system management, gateway considerations, and security specifications, for low-data-rate wireless connectivity with fixed, portable, and slowly-moving devices, often operating under severe energy and power constraints. 

1 Standard selected
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