2 Results for Intelligence:
Document No.
ISO 13374-2:2007
Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines -- Data processing, communication and presentation -- Part 2: Data processing
Why is this useful?
This standard will help to decrease failure rate, increase productivity, increase overall equipment efficiency and reduce equipment downtime.

ISO 13374-2:2007 details the requirements for a reference information model and a reference processing model to which an open condition monitoring and diagnostics (CM&D) architecture needs to conform. Software design professionals require both an information model and a processing model to adequately describe all data processing requirements. ISO 13374-2:2007 facilitates the interoperability of CM&D systems.

Document No.
ISO 18435-3:2015
Industrial automation systems and integration -- Diagnostics, capability assessment and maintenance applications integration -- Part 3: Applications integration description method
Why is this useful?
This standard will help to decrease failure rate, increase productivity, increase overall equipment efficiency and reduce equipment downtime.

ISO 18435-3:2015 defines the profiling methodology to use the interoperability templates of ISO 18435‑2. These profiling methods describe the construction and the use of application domain matrix elements (ADMEs), application interaction matrix elements (AIMEs), and an open technical dictionary (OTD) to support the information exchange.

1 Standard selected
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