4 Results for Talent Readiness:
Document No.
ISO 30405:2016
Human resource management -- Guidelines on recruitment
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me manage my recruitment process to ensure the right talent are brought into the organisation.

ISO 30405:2016 provides guidance on how to attract, source, assess and recruit people. It focuses on key processes and practices, including:
· recruitment policy development;
· the flow from the sourcing of potential applicants to the boarding of new recruits;
· evaluation and measurement.

Document No.
ISO 30409:2016
Human resource management -- Workforce planning
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me manage my workforce planning to ensure the right talent are recruited and retained in my organisation to meet my current and future needs.

ISO 30409:2016 provides guidelines and a framework for workforce planning that are scalable to the needs of any organization regardless of size, industry or sector.

Document No.
ISO TS 30410:2018
Human resource management -- Impact of hire metric
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me understand what impact my new recruits have made in the organisation.

ISO TS 30410:2018 identifies:
- principles for determining critical positions by using workforce segmentation approaches [see ISO 30409];
- measures to determine the impact of critical positions, and the performance of people hired into these positions, on organizational value creation and performance.

Document No.
ISO TS 30411:2018
Human resource management -- Quality of hire metric
Why is this useful?
This standard will help me understand the quality of my hires so I can manage or develop them better.

This document provides a range of options to measure the quality of hire that can be aligned to various business and organizational conditions. The QoH structure includes:
— purpose
— formula
— definition
— how to use the metric
— intended users
— contextual factors for interpretation

1 Standard selected
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